
of my life : typed and handwritten.


when the rains come I let time slip in cups of Darjeeling tea and her contralto vocals strum my soul like butterfly wings on Cleopatra’s eyelashes o yes her words are black as the bulimia she wouldn’t talk about and yes the only thing her stomach wouldn’t reject was Vodka which poisoned her but what…

Her Mama

Mama encounters a thing that resembles her daughter.

I Should Have

I remember you stirring fish curry in the Kadai, the smell of spices and coconut floating; a song about mermaids whose words we couldn’t recall, humming. Sweat trickling down your neck, you wiping it with the end of your sleeve; silver bangles singing as you put the rice to boil; rain pouring unexpectedly and you…

I am not a Hero

I drop the mask. The bully tattoos a boot on my face;The policeman points to his pocket;The neighbour steals my parking spot.I cower, roll into a ball,And tumble down the steps of dignity. I used to put up a fight. My eyes, venom.Jabs, Muhammad Ali.Voice, booming.Dialogue, logic. Always beating them to the ground,Their heads bludgeoned…

5 Dreams

I. I am an eagle in a Kazak hunt But flight feels forlorn I chase the fox on foot II. To the tiger, my feet were kidney beans Horripilations knife the spine No man can run on his knees III. It’s raining salt on the Chilean coast My thick skin dry and salted A Culpeo…


आज मैंने आसमान के कागज़ कोदो हिस्सों मैं कर दिया |एक मैं तुम्हारा नाम लिखाऔर दुसरे में मेरा || फिर उनकी दो कश्तियाँ बनाकरमैंने समन्दर मैं छोड़ दी |सोचा था की क्षितिज पर पहुँचकरउसकी ठंडक बन तुम्हारे सीने मैं समा जाउँगी || शायद हम फिर मिलते किसी बेनाम किनारे पेसफ़ेद लाइटहाउस के नीचे रेत पर…

Potted Prison

The flowers in the backyard are captives.Locked inside mortar pots with just enough soil to survive, they bloom.They pine for the warmth of the Earth. Oh Crimson guests,Meera would understand your longing, but she isnt here.No one will see the sigh in your smile. Blaze away this youth and wilt.Fall and hope you find the…